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CCJ for Parking Ticket – What Are the Laws?

Scott Nelson MoneyNerd Janine Marsh MoneyNerd
Scott Nelson MoneyNerd

Scott Nelson

Debt Expert

Scott Nelson is a renowned debt expert who supports people in debt with debt management and debt solution resources.

Learn more about Scott
Janine Marsh MoneyNerd

Janine Marsh

Financial Expert

Janine is a financial expert who supports individuals with debt management, cost-saving resources, and navigating parking tickets.

Learn more about Janine
· May 21st, 2024
Stuck with a CCJ? You may be able to get it removed!

CCJ Type

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CCJ for Parking Ticket

For free and impartial money advice you can visit MoneyHelper.

Are you worried about a CCJ for your parking ticket? Well you’ve found the right article. Every month, over 130,000 people visit our website to understand more about fines and parking tickets.

In this easy-to-understand article, we’ll cover:

  •  The CCJ laws in the UK for parking tickets.
  •  The different types of parking tickets.
  •  Whether you have to pay a Penalty Charge Notice or a Parking Charge Notice.
  •  The impact of unpaid parking fines on your credit score.

The DVLA reports that over 11 million parking tickets were issued last year, which is up by 29% year on year!1 So you’re not alone.

We know that dealing with a private parking fine can be frustrating and confusing. But don’t worry; we’re here to help you understand your options.

Get Your CCJ Removed

Many people don’t realise that you can actually get your CCJ removed if you qualify to do so.

Our partners at CCJ Removal Services are experts at getting rid of CCJs.

Click your CCJ type below to check if you qualify for their help.

CCJ Type

Can you get a CCJ for an unpaid parking fine?

Yes, it’s possible to be issued a County Court Judgment (CCJ) if you don’t pay a Parking Charge Notice

We first need to explain what a CCJ really is. It’s a type of court order that is regularly used to make individuals responsible to pay a debt. 

The judge will issue a CCJ when the individual has chosen not to defend themselves in court, such as ignoring court summons from the claimant. 

Once you have been issued a CCJ, you’ll be legally responsible to pay the parking fine.

If you don’t clear the debt, the private car park company could ask the court to allow debt enforcement action. This type of action is designed to ensure the claimant gets their money, and one of the most popular options is to use bailiffs. 

Bailiffs will give you an opportunity to pay before coming to your home.

They do this by sending a letter called a Notice of Enforcement, which also applies a £75 charge to your debt. 

If you don’t pay, they can come to your home and seize goods to be sold and clear the debt. This adds various and much bigger fees to your debt. 

That said, I was recently featured in The Sun about parking tickets, where I encouraged everyone to check whether the ticket was issued by a member of a trade association. If they aren’t, then they probably can’t get your details from the DVLA to pursue you.

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How about an unpaid council parking fine?

The escalation process is different for council parking tickets, meaning you won’t be issued with a CCJ but you can be issued with an Order for Recovery.

This is also a court order asking you to pay within 21 days – or face bailiffs

You can appeal an Order of Recovery if you think you shouldn’t have received it, such as having a PCN appeal already in process. 

How to Get A CCJ Removed

Our partners at the CCJ Removal Service have a ton of experience with getting CCJs removed.

They will cover the whole process for you – listening your story and advocating for you every step of the way.

The Process

Step 1:

  • Establish your legal grounds for removal.

Step 2:

  • Mediate with your claimant to establish the terms they’d agree to “Set Aside” the judgement under.

Step 3:

  • A barrister drafts the agreement between the parties to get your CCJ removed.

Step 4:

  • The court removes or “sets aside” the CCJ from your public record.

It’s a surprisingly simple process.

Fill out our form to get help from our partners at CCJ Removal Services.

Get Started

What happens if you don’t pay a Parking Charge Notice?

If you don’t pay a Parking Charge Notice after 28 days, the private company will chase you for payment.

But the exact methods and processes used aren’t as stringent compared with chasing Penalty Charge Notices. 

Firstly, the private company might try and chase you for the payment themselves. Or they could outsource this task to a debt collection agency.

The company or the debt collection agency is likely to:

  1. Repeatedly contact you to ask for payment
  2. Add late fees when you ignore them
  3. Threaten court action if you don’t pay

It’s important to know what a debt collection agency really is and what it cannot do. Read about them here

Whether the company will go through with legal threats is unknown.

Some private companies will take motorists to court when they’ve ignored a Parking Charge Notice, whereas some others might not. 

Can it affect your credit score?

Unpaid parking fines on their own won’t affect your credit score, but a subsequent CCJ will damage your score.

If you don’t pay a private parking fine and get taken to court, you could be issued a County Court Judgment which decreases your credit score. 

A record of a County Court Judgment on your credit file remains visible for six years, which could stop you from accessing credit or getting a mortgage in the future. 

Get Your CCJ Removed

Many people don’t realise that you can actually get your CCJ removed if you qualify to do so.

Our partners at CCJ Removal Services are experts at getting rid of CCJs.

Click the button below to check if you qualify for their help.

Get Started With CCJ Removal


  1. RAC Foundation – Parking Tickets Statistics
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The authors
Scott Nelson MoneyNerd
Scott Nelson is a renowned debt expert who supports people in debt with debt management and debt solution resources.
Janine Marsh MoneyNerd
Appeals Expert
Janine is a financial expert who supports individuals with debt management, cost-saving resources, and navigating parking tickets.