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Debt Collectors

Credit Style Debt (CST Law) Should You Pay? 

Scott Nelson MoneyNerd Janine Marsh MoneyNerd
Scott Nelson MoneyNerd

Scott Nelson

Debt Expert

Scott Nelson is a renowned debt expert who supports people in debt with debt management and debt solution resources.

Learn more about Scott
Janine Marsh MoneyNerd

Janine Marsh

Financial Expert

Janine is a financial expert who supports individuals with debt management, cost-saving resources, and navigating parking tickets.

Learn more about Janine
· May 27th, 2024
Could you legally write off some debt? Answer below to get started.

Total amount of debt?

This isn’t a full fact find, MoneyNerd doesn’t give advice. We work with The Debt Advice Service who provide information about your options.

For free & impartial money advice you can visit MoneyHelper. We work with The Debt Advice Service who provide information about your options. This isn’t a full fact-find, some debt solutions may not be suitable in all circumstances, ongoing fees might apply & your credit rating may be affected.

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Credit Style Debt Collectors

For free & impartial money advice you can visit MoneyHelper. We work with The Debt Advice Service who provide information about your options. This isn’t a full fact-find, some debt solutions may not be suitable in all circumstances, ongoing fees might apply & your credit rating may be affected.

If you’ve received a surprising letter from Credit Style about a debt, don’t worry. You’re in the right place to find help. Each month, more than 170,000 people visit our site for advice on debt issues. 

This easy-to-understand guide will help you make sense of your options. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  •  Understanding who Credit Style are.
  •  Steps to take if you’ve received a payment demand letter.
  •  How to handle phone calls from Credit Style.
  •  Exploring the possibility of writing off some of your Credit Style debt.
  •  What to do if you’re unsure about the debt.

Research shows that 64% of people in the UK feel stressed when dealing with debt collectors.1 We know how it can feel to get such letters and calls.

But remember, you’re not alone. Let’s walk through this together and find a way forward.

Could you legally write off some debt?

There are several debt solutions in the UK, choosing the right one for you could write off some of your unaffordable debt, but the wrong one may be expensive and drawn out.

Answer below to get started.

How much debt do you have?

This isn’t a full fact find. MoneyNerd doesn’t give advice. We work with The Debt Advice Service who provide information about your options.

What should you do if they contact you?

If your account has been passed to Credit Style, it is most likely due to the debts you owe.

Normally, your debt would have been owed to a different creditor (which is why you may not recognise their name). They act as a debt collector for other businesses, pursuing customers for payment.

Debt collection agencies buy billions of debt annually at rock bottom prices, at an average of 10p to £1! 2

If you’re in debt, then we recommend not burying your head in the sand.  Many people in debt hide the fact from their families and friends – and even themselves – often in the hope it’ll simply go away.

Unfortunately, it won’t. 

Remember, debt is nothing to be ashamed of – and you’re certainly not alone.

According to a survey conducted by Money.co.uk, more than half of UK consumers (so almost 27 million people) started the year 2020 in debt. Out of those, almost 5 million people owed in excess of £10,000.00!

» TAKE ACTION NOW: Fill out the short debt form

What if you don’t believe you owe this debt?

If you don’t believe you owe the amount being claimed, then it’s important to contact Credit Style as soon as possible and speak to one of their experienced team members.

If necessary, ask them for evidence of the debt and/or a copy of the agreement you’ve allegedly entered into with your original creditor (i.e. their client). 

You’re entitled to receive a copy of any loan agreement under sections 77-79 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. 

Please be aware that you may have to pay a small fee of £1.00 for a copy of it but, if they can’t produce it, then they can’t pursue the debt recovery against you. 

Remember, never be afraid to ask for evidence of the debt – especially if you don’t believe it’s outstanding. 

Mistakes can (and do) happen!

How a debt solution could help

Some debt solutions can:

  1. Stop nasty calls from creditors
  2. Freeze interest and charges
  3. Reduce your monthly payments

A few debt solutions can even result in writing off some of your debt.

Here’s an example:


Monthly income £2,504
Monthly expenses £2,345
Total debt £32,049

Monthly debt repayments

Before £587
After £158

£429 reduction in monthly payments

If you want to learn what debt solutions are available to you, click the button below to get started.

Get Started

Will you be able to enter into a repayment plan?

If you’re unable to pay the outstanding debt in full, then you should be able to enter into a repayment plan with Credit Style.

In order to ascertain how much you might be able to repay, you should prepare a list of your income and outgoings so that you can see where your money goes each month.

This will also provide you with an indication of your ‘disposable income’ i.e. an amount which could be used to start repaying the debt.

In some cases, your creditor may agree to such repayments but request that it be secured under a CCJ.

This means that, should you default on the arrangement, then they’ll be able to enforce it. 

For more information about this and enforcement agents, please see our section entitled: “If I get a County Court Judgment (CCJ) against me, how can it be enforced?”

What might they do if you don’t get back in touch with them?

We always recommend responding to debt collectors – even just to question the debt’s validity.

Remember, you have the right to request proof of the debt. They have to prove it, or they can’t charge you.

If you don’t get in touch with Credit Style, then the chances are they’ll issue legal proceedings for recovery of the outstanding debts.

This will then increase the balance due as it’ll also include any legal fees, the Court issue fee, and interest (which can be claimed at 8% per annum under s.69 of the County Court Act 1984, up until the date of Judgment or earlier payment, whichever is the soonest).

If you’ve been late in making payments, they’ll also make an entry on your credit file, which means future lenders will be able to see your repayment history and trends.

This stays on file for a period of 6 years and could make it difficult (if not impossible) for you to obtain credit during that time.

For more details about the issue of legal proceedings, please see the section entitled: “What’s the debt recovery process?”

Thousands have already tackled their debt

Every day our partners, The Debt Advice Service, help people find out whether they can lower their repayments and finally tackle or write off some of their debt.


I’d recommend this firm to anyone struggling with debt – my mind has been put to rest, all is getting sorted.

Get started

Reviews shown are for The Debt Advice Service.

What Actions Can They Take?

Of course, Credit Style has the right to pursue you for debts that you owe.

That being said, there are a number of guidelines that they have to abide by as they are still only a debt collection agency.

For example, they must only call you at reasonable hours and must never call you on a weekend. Their calls also should not be too frequent.

If you prefer not to be contacted via the phone, you can inform them of this.

In order to stop calls from Credit Style, you can write a letter to them and inform them that you would prefer not to be contacted via the phone.

In response to this, Credit Style Limited is obligated to agree.

They will send you a response in the form of a letter acknowledging your request, and after that, they will only correspond with you via either emails or letters.

While it’s true that Credit Style can send debt collectors to your residence, they have to give you prior notice of this just like any other debt collection agency.

Similarly, even if a debt collection company arrives at your door, you need to be aware of the fact that they don’t have any extra-legal powers.

They cannot enter your home if you don’t allow them to and since they’re a debt collector and not a bailiff, they can’t seize any item outside your home either.

When it comes to legal action, Credit Style can:

  • Attempt to get a County Court Judgment (CCJ) issued against you
  • Attempt to get bailiffs sent to your home who would seize your goods
  • Apply for a charging order

Your Rights

It’s common for debt collectors to try to intimidate you. To prevent unfair treatment and any unwanted situations, it’s important you understand your rights.

I’ve created this simple table that explains what debt collectors can and can’t do. For more information and further advice, make sure to read our detailed guide.

Debt Collectors Can But They Can’t
Contact you by phone or mail. Call you after 9pm or before 8am.
Conduct home visits (on rare occasions) and knock on your door. Forbily enter your home, or stay if you ask them to leave.
Threaten to take you to court by suing you for payment on a debt. Harrass you, including threats of violence, repeated calls and visits, or abusive language.
Negotiate a debt settlement. Tip: make sure to get this new arrangement in writing. Visit your workplace.
Access your bank account, but only after a court judgment has been made. Take anything from your home or threaten to do so.
Sell your debt. Speak to other people about your debt without your permission.
Contact you frequently. Keep doing so if you request that they reduce communications.

Are there ways to avoid paying?

If the money is owed then there aren’t usually too many ways to avoid repaying it.

One exception to the rule is if the debt is over six years old and:

  1. You haven’t admitted liability for the debt during that period of time;
  2. You haven’t made any payment towards it 
  3. The creditor hasn’t already secured a CCJ against you.

In this scenario then your debt is likely to be statute-barred under the provision of the Limitation Act 1980 and you won’t have to repay it.

Another instance where you may not have to pay the debt is Credit Style can’t prove the debt is actually yours.

They keep calling – what should you do?

Credit Style, like all debt collection agencies, is required to follow the Financial Conduct Authority’s rules.

Debt collectors, cannot threaten legal action they know is unlikely to occur.

They are not permitted to send letters that appear to be court forms or to pretend to have legal authority that they do not possess (for example, they are not permitted to send bailiffs around without a court order).

If you receive a call from Credit Style then it’s advisable to speak to them as soon as possible, even if you’ve not had time to take advice or consider a debt management plan.

One of their credit management professionals will be able to help you manage your debts and come up with a solution.

However, there are ways to stop Credit Style from calling you at all!

If you’d prefer to be contacted via a different method (for example, if you’d prefer them to send letters or email) then you should advise them of this as soon as possible. Often, of course, phone calls can be somewhat intrusive and it can sometimes be difficult to talk. 

Credit Style will understand this, but until you speak to them and make this known then they won’t be able to help.

UK Personal Debt 2021 Update:
As of April 2021, the average UK credit card debt was £1,928

(Source: The Money Charity)

How can you complain?

If you feel like you have been treated unfairly, your first step should always be the Financial Ombudsman Service. They will be able to take further action to ensure you’re being treated fairly.

You can also speak to Credit Style directly to complain through these channels:

Phone: 0114 290 1400
Fax: 0845 638 4712
Online form: message Credit Style here
Post: 5 Rutland Court, 161 Rutland Road, S3 9PP

How to contact Credit Style

Phone: 03300 450 650
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.creditstyle.co.uk/
Address: Credit Style Limited, 5 Rutland Court, 161 Rutland Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S3 9PP
Could you legally write off some debt?

Answer below to get started.

How much debt do you have?

This isn’t a full fact find, MoneyNerd doesn’t give advice. We work with The Debt Advice Service who provide information about your options.


  1. Indebted Debt Collection Survey
  2. Jubilee Debt Campaign

CONC 7.3 Treatment of customers in default or arrears (including repossessions): lenders, owners and debt collectors

CONC 7.9 Contact with customers

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The authors
Scott Nelson MoneyNerd
Scott Nelson is a renowned debt expert who supports people in debt with debt management and debt solution resources.
Janine Marsh MoneyNerd
Debt Expert
Janine is a financial expert who supports individuals with debt management, cost-saving resources, and navigating parking tickets.