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Could you write off some debt?

Answer below to get started.
How much debt do you have?
£10,000 or more
£6,000 - £10,000
£1,000 - £6,000
£0 - £1,000

To find out more about managing your money and getting free advice, visit Money Helper, an independent service set up to help people manage their money.

Rest easy. You're in safe hands

Expert care and guidance from The Debt Advice Service

Silence stressful calls

Stop calls from creditors.

Stop debt increasing

Freeze interest and charges.

Protect your privacy

Stop bailiffs coming to your home.

Here's an example

See how an IVA could help you turn multiple unsecured debts into one smaller monthly payment.

Monthly income £2,504
Monthly expenses £2,345
Total debt £32,049
Monthly debt repayments
Before £587
After £158

Average IVA cases at The Debt Advice Service between 1st January to 27th September, 2023. Monthly payments are based on individual circumstances.

£429 reduction in monthly payments

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Personalised Solutions

Every financial journey is unique. The Debt Advice Service provides tailored guidance for a brighter future.

Don't take our word for it

The Debt Advice Service is a leading IVA provider, boasts over 1,200 five-star reviews on TrustPilot.

"They took me step by step through my options and made it easy to get the right solution for me"


"I am able to sleep better at night and feel much happier about life in general."


"I would highly recommend to anyone with debt worries"


Be another success story

Debt can happen to anyone. Yet, Overcoming it might require a guiding hand. Explore the success stories of those who found their path to financial freedom with The Debt Advice Service.

From Distress to Relief: A Debt Management Journey

Burdened by a £14,264.14 debt, Claire found transformative relief through expert advice and the implementation of an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA), showcasing the power of professional guidance.

Read Claire's story

Expert Guidance: The Catalyst for Overcoming Debt

Overwhelmed by a £16,593 debt, Steve connected with the exceptional advisor, Mo. His comprehensive guidance turned a challenging situation into a navigable path towards financial stability.

Read Steve's story

Achieving Financial Stability: The Power of Clear Advice

Facing a daunting £29,900 debt, Kate found stability through the clear and patient advice of James, underlining the transformative potential of professional financial guidance.

Read Kate's story

Tackle your debt today

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Your questions, answered

I can't pay my energy bills. What should I do?

To avoid losing your utilities, making a plan to pay back what you owe can help. If that’s not possible, there are other ways to manage your debts. Check out this guide about gas and electricity bills.

Can I write off my debt?

In some cases, yes. If it’s going to take too long to pay back what you owe, you might be able to erase some or all of your debt. But remember, it’s important to get debt advice before making any decisions. Find out more about writing off debt here.

Is debt consolidation a good idea for me?

If you have a poor credit history, you might be offered loans and credit to consolidate your debt. But these usually come with high interest rates. So, consolidation might not be the best option for you. Learn more about debt consolidation here.

I need money for food and bills urgently. What can I do?

Even if it feels like there’s no help, there are actually many resources available. Trust funds, credit unions, councils, energy companies, the government, and charities all offer assistance. Budgeting can also help you afford your bills. Find out how to get emergency help here.

How can I make a budget?

Creating a budget is the first step to managing your money and getting back on track. It helps you see where your money is going and makes it easier to cover all your expenses. Check out this article on budgeting.

What should I do if bailiffs are chasing me for money I owe?

Knowing your rights when dealing with bailiffs is important. They should write to you before coming to your home and there are rules about what they can and can’t do. Remember, not all debt collectors are bailiffs. Learn more about how debt collection works here.

What if I can't pay my rent or mortgage?

If you can’t pay your rent, your landlord might try to evict you. And if you can’t pay your mortgage, your lender could consider repossessing your home. But you can avoid these situations by figuring out what you can afford to pay. Making a budget can help with this. Show your budget to your lender or landlord to prove you’re serious about paying as much as you can. Then, stick to your new payment plan.