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Sample Letter Templates – For Money & Debt Troubles

MoneyNerd has created a series of free letter templates for debtors to use when dealing with creditors, bailiffs and similar groups. 

We understand that communicating with these groups can be daunting, especially when you need to write a letter. This is why our letter templates will always be free for you to download and use. 

If you’re using these letter templates to deal with debts and have other questions, you can find answers on lots of debt topics via the MoneyNerd debt info page.
Could you legally write off some debt? Answer below to get started.

Total amount of debt?

For free & impartial money advice you can visit MoneyHelper. We work with The Debt Advice Service who provide information about your options. This isn’t a full fact-find, some debt solutions may not be suitable in all circumstances, ongoing fees might apply & your credit rating may be affected.

For free & impartial money advice you can visit MoneyHelper. We work with The Debt Advice Service who provide information about your options. This isn’t a full fact-find, some debt solutions may not be suitable in all circumstances, ongoing fees might apply & your credit rating may be affected.

Are you having a tough time with money and debt? If the thought of writing a letter to deal with these issues is making you worried, you have come to the right place.

At MoneyNerd, we have created easy-to-use letter templates that can help you communicate with creditors, bailiffs, and other groups. 

In this article, we’ll help you:

  •  Learn how to write off your debt with our sample letter templates. 
  •  Find out what you can do if creditors continue to ask for payment after a debt relief order.
  •  Discover how to ask your energy suppliers to accept affordable payments.
  •  Understand how to freeze interest on credit cards or even write off some debt after a loss.
  •  Learn how to handle a car finance hire purchase agreement or a mortgage shortfall.

You are not alone in this. Each month, over 170,000 people visit our website looking for guidance on debt solutions.

Some of our team have faced tough money situations too. We know what it’s like, and we’re here to help.

Could you legally write off some debt?

There are several debt solutions in the UK, choosing the right one for you could write off some of your unaffordable debt, but the wrong one may be expensive and drawn out.

Answer below to get started.

How much debt do you have?

This isn’t a full fact find. MoneyNerd doesn’t give advice. We work with The Debt Advice Service who provide information about your options.

Write Off the Debt – Sample Letter Template Example

You might want to ask your creditor to write off your debt because of severe financial difficulty, or because the time limit to recover the debt has expired. If that’s the case, make your request polite and effective with our write off the debt letter template. 

Write Off the Debt (Second Request) Sample Letter Template

If your first write-off-the-debt letter went ignored or was unsuccessful, you can make a second attempt with our second request write off the debt letter template. Try making your point again and see if you can get the debt finally wiped. 

Cancel Your Debt Management Plan – Sample Letter Template

A Debt Management Plan is an informal debt solution without any legal weight. You have the right to cancel your Debt Management Plan if required. We’ve made canceling your DMP quick and easy with this cancel your DMP letter template. 

Hold Action Debt Management Plan – Sample Letter Template

There are different reasons why you might want creditors to hold further action while on a DMP. We can help you explain your situation effectively and save you time when asking for patience with this hold action DMP letter template. 

Creditors Asking for Payment After Debt Relief Order Letter

Creditors are banned from contacting you at all once your Debt Relief Order has been approved. If you’ve received communication from a  creditor included in your DRO, you can request them to stop immediately with this DRO stop contact letter template. 

Hold Action While You Apply for a Debt Relief Order – Letter

If you’ve received debt advice and have decided to apply for a Debt Relief Order, you might want to ask creditors to hold action while you apply. You can ask them to give you some breathing space to make your DRO application with this hold action for DRO letter template. 

Ask Energy Suppliers to Accept Affordable Payments – Letter

Cannot afford your energy repayment this month or have recently fallen into energy arrears? You can ask your energy company to accept a payment proposal that’s affordable to your personal situation in writing. We’ve made this effortless with this free letter template. 

Renegotiate with your Energy Supplier – Letter Template

Had you previously set up a payment plan with your energy supplier but now want to negotiate? If your finances have changed, you can ask to change your payment plan with this renegotiate your energy payments letter template.  

How a debt solution could help

Some debt solutions can:

  1. Stop nasty calls from creditors
  2. Freeze interest and charges
  3. Reduce your monthly payments

A few debt solutions can even result in writing off some of your debt.

Here’s an example:


Monthly income £2,504
Monthly expenses £2,345
Total debt £32,049

Monthly debt repayments

Before £587
After £158

£429 reduction in monthly payments

If you want to learn what debt solutions are available to you, click the button below to get started.

Get started

Write off After Death – Sample Letter Template for Creditors

If someone you care about has passed away with unpaid debts, you might want to ask the creditor to write off the debt. Some debts usually get repaid from the deceased’s estate, but there’s nothing stopping you from asking them to be written off instead. You guessed it – we do have a letter template for requesting debts to be written off after death

Stay of Execution in the High Court – Sample Letter Template

After receiving a court order, you might want to ask for a stay of execution to suspend the court order. We make the process slightly easier for debtors with this stay of execution in the high court letter. 

Freeze Interest on Credit Cards – Sample Letter Template

Struggling to keep up with credit card repayments? You can consider asking the credit card company to help you by freezing interest for a set period. Do this more effectively and formally with the MoneyNerd freeze credit card interest letter template

Full and Final Settlement Offer – Sample Letter Template

Clearing your debt with a full and final settlement offer can be a good way to exit your debt and simultaneously save a little bit of money. But it’s certainly a sensitive topic that can feel like a bit of a minefield. We make navigating this proposal less daunting with our full and final settlement letter template. Make your offer effectively with our free help! 

Hold Action on your Account – Sample Letter Template

Are you worried that a creditor is going to take further action while you work out how to tackle your debt? You’re certainly not alone. 

Creditors must give you some breathing space while you assess your options. But make sure they do give you space by asking them to hold action on your account while you do. Our hold action on account letter template makes this request effortless.

Pro-rata Offers – Sample Letter Template

The MoneyNerd pro-rata offer letter template will help you to make a payment plan proposal to multiple creditors, which is based on how much you owe each of them. It shows that you treat your debts seriously and could be welcome by the creditors. Download it now for free. 

Reconsider My Pro-rata Offer – Letter Template

If your first pro-rata offer was rejected, you can ask creditors to reconsider. Our reconsider my pro-rata offer template letter does exactly this. It will help you get across the seriousness of your proposal and help you explain that it’s the best offer for all parties right now. 

Terminate a Car Finance Hire Purchase Agreement – Letter

As per the Consumer Credit Act, you have a right to terminate an HP agreement to prevent debts or escalating arrears. You will need to have paid at least 50% of the agreement to use this loophole. If you want to notify your car finance provider of the termination it’s best to do it in writing using our terminate HP letter template. 

Token Payment Plan or No Offer of Payment – Letter Template

If you have little or no disposable income at the end of each month, you cannot make a payment plan proposal to creditors. But you can make a token payment plan proposal of £1 per month to show good intentions, or offer them no payment at all. Submit this ultimatum to creditors politely by using this token payment letter template. 

Thousands have already tackled their debt

Every day our partners, The Debt Advice Service, help people find out whether they can lower their repayments and finally tackle or write off some of their debt.


I’d recommend this firm to anyone struggling with debt – my mind has been put to rest, all is getting sorted.

Get started

Reviews shown are for The Debt Advice Service.

Reconsider a Token Offer Sample Letter Template

It’s not that uncommon for creditors to reject a token payment plan at first. But you can stress that you have nothing else to offer them right now by asking them to reconsider. Do this efficiently with confidence by using our new reconsider my token offer template letter. 

Don’t Pursue Mortgage Shortfall – Sample Letter Template

Losing your home can be stressful, but it’s made more concerning if foreclosure doesn’t cover all of your mortgage debt. The mortgage company will try to chase you for the mortgage shortfall, but you can ask them not to do so with this don’t pursue mortgage shortfall letter template. 

Mortgage Full and Final Settlement Offer Letter

Try and settle your mortgage for less with our mortgage full and final settlement offer letter template. If you’ve had a windfall and want to utilise it to save money on your existing mortgage, you might be able to do exactly that. Our letter makes your request effective and saves time. 

Write Off Mortgage Debt Sample Letter Template

Ask your mortgage provider to write off some or all of your remaining debt now. You can submit your request with the help of MoneyNerd by using our carefully considered write off mortgage debt letter template. Download it and add your relevant information today. 

Dispute Liability for a Mortgage Shortfall – Letter Template

You could be no longer liable to pay a mortgage shortfall if so many years have passed since the debt was accumulated. If a mortgage lender is chasing you for a mortgage shortfall you no longer believe you owe, you can raise a dispute directly with them using our dispute liability mortgage shortfall letter blueprint. 

Ask your Bank to Pay Particular Bills – Letter Template

Exercise your first right of appropriation by asking a bank to pay bills instead of collecting money itself for bank charges. This ensures you stay on top of bills rather than allow the money to be hoovered up by bank fees. Make your legal request with this free letter template. 

Withdraw your Continuous Payment Authority – Letter Template

Many creditors take payments from bank cards by getting you to agree to a continuous payment authority. You can withdraw your continuous payment authority with the lender by using our withdraw continuous payment authority letter template. If you do this because you can’t afford the payments, make sure to follow up by exploring debt solutions. 

Continue Accepting My Offer – Sample Letter Template

Ask your creditors to continue accepting your current offer if they’ve told you the agreement is under review. We can help you relay important information on why the current proposal is best for everyone. All this is achieved by downloading and using our free continue accepting offer letter template. 

Complain to Your Lender – Sample Letter Template

Before you can complain to a lender to the Financial Ombudsman, you’ll need to submit a complaint directly to the lender. We have created a lender complaint letter template to help you make an effective and formal complaint for a wide variety of reasons. Download it for free now! 

Creditor Harassment Sample Letter Template

If you wish to make a creditor complaint regarding harassment, you can do this using our specific harassment complaints letter template. Remember, you should make a direct complaint before escalating the complaint to the Ombudsman. 

Complaining to Debt Collectors That You Do Not Owe – Letter

When a debt collector is chasing you for a payment on a debt you don’t think you owe, you can complain to them and also ask for proof you owe the debt. Do both at once by using this letter template which has been created so you make a lawful request. 

Statute Barred Debt Sample Letter Templates

Most debts become too old to be collected after five years in Scotland and six years in England and Wales. If you’re sure that your type of debt has become too old – also known as statute-barred – you can inform the creditor and ask them to write off the debt at the same time. Do this most effectively with MoneyNerd’s statute barred letter templates. 

Complain About a Bailiff Overcharging You – Letter Template

Bailiffs can only charge fees that are fixed by the law. They cannot charge you more than what the law states they can. If you think you’ve been overcharged, you should complain about this directly to them first to try and get a refund. We have already assisted other debtors with this matter by providing a free bailiff overcharge complaint letter template. 

Complain to a Bailiff Company – Complaint Letter Template

Before you complain about bailiffs to the Financial Ombudsman, you should try to find a resolution with the bailiff company directly. Submitting a complaint to the bailiff company has been made much easier today, thanks to MoneyNerd’s free complaint to the bailiffs letter template. 

Complain to a Council About their Bailiffs – Letter Template

If a council has employed bailiffs to collect council tax arrears and those bailiffs have acted wrongfully, you should let them know. We’ve already found the words for you to make the process easier. Use our complain to a council about bailiffs letter template to submit a firm complaint. 

Tell a Bailiff That You Are Vulnerable – Letter Template

Bailiffs cannot operate as usual when dealing with vulnerable people, and they cannot visit vulnerable people at home in many cases. You should inform a bailiff company dealing with your debt as soon as possible if you’re classified as vulnerable. Do this now by downloading our tell bailiffs your vulnerable letter template.

Ask Your Mortgage Lender for a Breakdown of Account – Letter

Want to know how much you’ve paid and have remaining on your mortgage? You have a right to know. Unlock this information from your lender by sending them a letter. You can use our mortgage breakdown template letter to make this request seamless. 

Making Payment Instructions – Sample Letter Templates

We have a selection of letter templates to help you instruct your bank to make payments or to remove payment authority from banks and companies. Head to this page to uncover a selection of different letter templates you can use for free. 

Negotiating With Your Creditor – Sample Letter Templates

Negotiate a payment plan with creditors based on your current finances and affordability. We make it easier to submit a fair but firm proposal to creditors which they’ll consider. All you need to do is choose from the relevant negotiating with creditor letter templates and add your own details.

Information About Remaining Payments – Letter Template

Request a statement of account on your existing debts now. You have a right to request this information and it must be provided within 12 days. Use this free statement of account request letter to start the process. 

Credit Agreement Request Letter Template

Request a copy of your credit agreement, which is your right as per the Consumer Credit Act. You will have to pay a £1 fee to access a copy, but the process has been made effortless with MoneyNerd’s credit agreement request letter. 

Personal information request letter – Data Protection Act

The Data Protection Act allows you to legally request your personal information from a company or creditor. Make this request formal by using our 100% free personal information request letter template. 

Asking for Information – Sample Letter Templates

Using the Consumer Credit Act and the Data Protection Act, you are legally allowed to request and receive information from creditors. We have a special letter template for you to use to ask for information held about yourself.

Complaining About a Lender – Letter Templates

Remember, you have to complain to lenders directly before you can ask the Financial Ombudsman to get involved. Use this lender complaint letter template to start the complaints process. We ensure your lender complaint meets expectations and requirements. 

Dealing with Bailiffs – Letter Templates

You might need to communicate with bailiffs for several reasons, including charges, complaints or to tell them you’re vulnerable. You can find an array of letter templates with MoneyNerd that fit different situations, all helping you to communicate with enforcement officers effectively. 

Other Useful Letters – Sample Letter Templates

Not found the letter template you were hoping for above? We have plenty more letter templates for you to download on our other sample letters page to cover a range of different situations and needs. Check it out now.

Could you legally write off some debt?

Answer below to get started.

How much debt do you have?

This isn’t a full fact find. MoneyNerd doesn’t give advice. We work with The Debt Advice Service who provide information about your options.